By participating in the second edition of the Cannes International Triathlon, come compete with the best triathletes worldwide …
If you want to be at the forefront from April 19th, you will have to be rigorous during the holidays and you train seriously to try to compete with:
- JENNY FLETCHER (Ambassador of the Cannes International Triathlon and Winner Escape From Alcatraz 2009)
- LEANDA CAVE (Winner IM Hawaii 2012)
- MICHELLE VESTERBY (8th IM Hawaii 2012)
- JEANNE COLLONGE (Winner EmbrunMan 2012/2013)
- CHARLOTTE MOREL (Winner Cannes International Triathlon 2013)
- ERIKA CSOMOR (Winner EmbrunMan 2011)
- ANNE TABARANT (Many podiums in Triathlon World Cup)
- JAN FRODENO (3rd IM Hawaii 2014 / Winner Beijing Olympics 2008)
- FARIS AL SULTAN (Winner IM Hawaii 2005)
- BAERT AERNOUTS (Winner IM Nice 2014)
- ROMAIN GUILLAUME (10th IM Hawaii 2014)
- DANIEL FONTANA (Winner IM Los Cabos 2014)
- FRED BELAUBRE (5th JO Athens 2004 / 10th Olympic Games Beijing 2008)
- GIULIO MOLINARI (ETU Half Distance EUROPE Champion 2014)
- JEREMY MOREL (20th IM Nice 2014, Winner AG 18-24)
- MATTEO FONTANA (Winner AG 18-24 IM 70.3 Mont Tremblant 2014)